Week #36 is quickly getting away from me and I have found myself wondering what to write about. I started a post and then decided that it wasn’t going the way I wanted it to. Then I remembered something I wrote in my journal the other day. This is what I wrote:
I am on the path of completing everything I started this year. Until now, my story has been “I’m a quitter” “I don’t follow through” “I never finish what I started” –
This year I decided to change my story. I started several things all at once. Each one designed to move me forward. And it’s working! I will finish ALL of them.
ACIM (A Course in Miracles) 365 days of spiritual lessons
“The Untethered Soul Guided Journal” by Michael Singer
Launching DISCOVER
My Self-Love Journey
I’m so proud of myself for making this commitment to BE a finisher, to change my story and change my life.
But when I thought about that story, “I never finish anything” I realized, “Wait! That’s not true!” I started thinking about all the things that I’ve accomplished over my lifetime; kindergarten, high school, college, graduate school, National Board Certification for Professional Teaching Standards (NBCPTS), I became a certified personal trainer, holistic health practitioner, and a certified yoga teacher. There’s also a smattering of other little accomplishments over my lifetime.
What this revealed to me is that number one, I AM a finisher. So, the story I’ve been telling myself was not true. The second thing I DISCOVERed is that learning and teaching are an important part of who I am. This led me to consider all the young people whose lives I have impacted over the years. Which caused me to realize that I am making a difference in the world, and I want to keep making a difference.
My way of making a difference now is by sharing what I’ve learned with others. In this case, sharing My Self-Love Journey and sharing DISCOVER.
So, this simple act of holding my limiting belief up to the light, to see the truth has shown me that My Self-Love Journey is making a difference for me. It’s giving me the opportunity to make a difference for you too!
What is the story you’re telling yourself about who you are? Is this story holding you back? Keeping you small? Is it a true story? Hold it up to the light, you’ll probably see the truth, YOU matter, and you make a difference.
What’s your story? I’d love to hear it.
With Love & Gratitude,